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Privacy with Facebook Ads

Transcend automatically fulfills privacy requests in Facebook Ads and other major data systems.

Targeted ad campaigns on Facebook for businesses.

Transcend can access and erase user profiles from custom Facebook audiences.

Looking to comply with GDPR and CCPA data subject access and erasure requests (DSRs)?

Privacy CenterIncoming RequestsData Map1Data Access RequestStatusDetailsAudit TrailMessagesData SilosReportCompiling DataEnriched IdentityWaiting for approvalReadyReadyReadyReadyReadyReadyReadyReadyReadyReadyReadyReady

Transcend allows you to programmatically delete user data in the Facebook Ads platform in accordance with data privacy regulations like GDPR and CCPA.

Setting up the Facebook Ads integration

To get started, make sure you're logged in to Transcend. If not, log in to Transcend here. To configure the Facebook Ads integration, you'll want to:

  1. Navigate to Data Map > Add data silo > Facebook Ads.
  2. Transcend can connect directly to your Facebook Ads instance via OAuth, so simply login with the credentials you already have. Note: you must be a user with privileges to manage ads for your Facebook account.
  3. Success! Once connected, navigate to the Privacy Center tab. You'll need to map the data in Facebook Ads to your Data Practices. To do this, create a new Category as well as a new Data Collection with the appropriate naming convention (e.g. "Advertising data" or "User online activities"). When you're done, hit publish.
  4. Navigate back to your Data Map and click into the Facebook Ads data silo. Expand "Manage Datapoints" and ensure the Erasure Enabled checkbox is checked.
  5. Next, while still in the Facebook Ads data silo, expand "Manage Identifiers". Ensure the Email Address Enabled checkbox is checked.
  6. Done!

Removing the Facebook Ads integration

To remove the Facebook Ads data silo from your Data Map, navigate to your Data Map, and click into Facebook Ads. At the bottom of the screen, expand "Remove Facebook Ads". Click Remove Silo. You'll be prompted to confirm that you'd like to remove the silo, click Ok. Confirm the silo has been removed by navigating back to your Data Map.