Announcing our Consent Manager in exclusive beta

June 9, 20213 min read

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At Transcend, we’re driven to help companies give their users control of their data through clear, comprehensive, and delightful solutions. If you’ve been paying attention to Consent Management online, you’ve probably noticed that the current situation is far from comprehensive or delightful.

The problem is two-fold: Existing consent management platforms only regulate a fraction of the hundreds of trackers on the web, and they force companies into a terrible user experience, cluttered with pop-up banners and broken site elements.

Shouldn’t there be a better way?

Incomplete compliance, poor site performance, and inelegant UX is not the future. So we set out to engineer a radically new type of Consent Manager – one that fully respects both an individual’s data rights and a company’s advanced business needs, one that could scale with performance demands and be implemented with a single drop-in script. Based on what’s in the market, we get that it might sound too good to be true.

We are reinventing consent management and are excited to share our product journey with you.

Regulating beyond cookies

Over the past few years, new privacy laws like GDPR and CCPA have necessitated that companies must notify their users if their behavior is being tracked and analyzed. If an individual opts out of any or all tracking, companies must also comply and cease tracking their personal data on their website. This is why your company has had to put up pop-up banners, greeting users the second they land on your site with “This website uses cookies.”

But there’s more to this story.

Today, your company is not fully respecting user consent because cookies are only one part of the tracking buffet. There are over 200 types of tracking technologies on the internet, everything from pixel trackers to WebSockets, XHR to stylesheets. You may not even know of the many trackers that could be operating on the company’s site, especially since they are often disguised under functional purposes (e.g., loading an HTML document).

The diversity and sophistication of tracking technologies will only continue to proliferate. How can you make sure you stay on top of it all?

Existing solutions are broken

Existing consent managers take a crude approach to tracking regulation: they bluntly block all third-party script loads and uploads if a user opts out of consent. This rudimentary approach only covers a fraction of those 200+ tracking technologies, leaving your company open to vulnerabilities.

Equally problematic, just blocking third-party script loads risks breaking your site’s functionality. In fact, we often hear complaints from companies struggling with consent managers that break their websites or analytics. Some third-party tools, like Intercom chat or Adobe Fonts, upload tracking data as functional elements load on your site—blocking these entirely can lead to parts of your website breaking.

Finally, today’s consent managers rely on a distracting pop-up banner that greets your users right when they land on your website. These are often confusing, designed with the sole objective of getting one to quickly click “I accept” rather than educating the user and respecting their individual data preferences—not the best welcome to your website or your brand!

We’re taking a different approach

Transcend’s Consent Manager is a simple drop-in script that combines customizable UI with our unique governance technology, Airgap.js. Airgap.js mimics a firewall on your user’s browser network layer and inspects all outgoing transmissions with a fine-tooth comb. It regulates data emissions across all 200+ tracking technologies and deciphers between tracking vs. functional nuances in individual third-party tools.

Airgap.js classifies each transmission’s purpose (e.g., essential, functional, analytics, advertising) and blocks or allows the transmission according to your user’s consent preferences.

Airgap.js can allow functional elements while locally quarantining analytics or advertising components for later replay if the user consents.

It provides a complete solution that regulates all tracking technologies—ensuring your site can both function as intended while fully respecting user consent preferences across any and all tracking technologies.

Further, under jurisdictions where a user must confirm consent before data collection can begin, such as the EU, Airgap.js can quarantine non-essential data transmissions locally on the visitor’s browser. Then, if and when user consent is given, it will replay the transmissions so that data can flow to their respective downstream systems, like Google Analytics.

This gives your website unprecedented UI flexibility—you can ask the user for consent when it makes sense in their browsing journey, rather than upfront when they land on your website. It allows your website to preserve a user’s entire data story without violating individual privacy rights and placing your company at legal risk.

Want to learn more? Join the Beta

Transcend’s Consent Manager is currently in exclusive beta. Our early partners want to deliver comprehensive, compliant data rights to their users, improve their sites’ performance, and are ready to reimagine the consent experience.

If this sounds like your company, we’re excited to invite you to be the first to try Transcend’s Consent Manager.

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