Enhancing Data Privacy: Transcend and Iterable Integration

June 21, 20211 min read

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The following post is an excerpt from a post from our friends at Iterable, on how customers can leverage Transcend’s Iterable integration to ensure user privacy controls are managed across an entire data system in a simple and easy way. Read the full post on the Iterable website.

Global privacy laws like GDPR, California’s CCPA, and others mean that your consumers have the right to request access to or deletion of their data. These privacy requests must be rolled across a company’s entire tech stack, including through Iterable and other partners.

But it’s not just about the law. Seamlessly orchestrating your data privacy operations is an essential part of ensuring that your organization is building a unified brand experience that respects user data and builds trust.

Great brands don’t keep user data that they’re not supposed to have anymore. And there’s nothing worse than sending out a campaign email to a user who already opted-out based on their privacy preference.

To help companies address more agile data privacy operations, we recently worked with Iterable to launch an integration that fully automates user privacy requests (like access and erasure) across Iterable systems. Now companies can use the Transcend + Iterable integration to avoid manually processing data privacy requests and reduce the risk of human error.

The result? The next time the legal team pings you because a user has asked to “access their data,” “be deleted” or “opt out,” rather than a multi-step sequence of emailing your Iterable rep asking them to handle querying other SaaS vendors, consolidating across internal databases, and securely returning the data to the end-user, these requests can be automatically rolled through their entire Iterable system.

The Transcend API can connect with these data sources, find an individual’s data, implement an opt out or delete their data. This reduces your operational time and risk of human error, but most importantly, fills critical compliance gaps.

Read more about the benefits of a simple Transcend and Iterable integration on the Iterable website, and reach out to our team to learn more.

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