Simplify Data Privacy and AI Governance with Transcend: A New Era Begins

November 8, 20231 min read

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We're on a mission to make data privacy and AI governance easy for companies. Today, we’re thrilled to announce that Transcend is now easier and more intuitive than ever. 

We live in a data and efficiency-focused world with compliance regulations in nearly every corner, but too many companies have outdated manual data privacy operations that rely on painful spreadsheets, exhaustive people workflows, static annual surveys, and insufficient cookie banners. These legacy methods not only drain business resources, but also jeopardize compliance. 

Governing user data today requires a high level of technical sophistication and the ability to operate on user data at the code layer. This is a key aspect of addressing modern privacy challenges and something a spreadsheet can never do. It’s also the faster, more efficient, and more compliant approach.

We're honored to support Fortune 100 companies, Global 2000 giants, and cutting-edge startups who are moving their privacy operations into a new era with Transcend. Today’s announcements help us continue to carry the torch forward to make privacy as easy as possible.

An improved navigation experience

To make it easier, now when you log-in, you’ll find the Transcend platform more easily at your fingertips. Our goal is to simplify the most complex privacy issues, but some of our most powerful features were tucked behind too many clicks. That’s why we’re excited to announce a more intuitive navigation bar. 

For example, Transcend has long provided both Silo and Structured Data Discovery & Classification for our customers to drive success, but the value of each distinct product was buried in the platform under the term “Data Map.” As you likely know, in the privacy industry, “Data Mapping” means very different things to very different companies. 

Some companies want to automatically discover their silos, while more advanced companies want full structured discovery and classification of all data points and schema to give them even deeper real-time knowledge of their data. Now, with a single click, regardless of how deep you want to go, Transcend makes it easy to do. We wanted to make it easier for companies to pick the depth of transformation they want for their business.  

Another example of an update you’ll see today is quicker access to our developer tools. We’re proud to power privacy for some of the world’s biggest technology companies, and we’ve long known that our developer tools are crucial for their unique needs and plans. Today, we've now made deep developer tools easily accessible. With just one click, you can harness the full potential of these tools. 

Easily explore new products

Your new navigation bar also introduces new products for a broader set of privacy and governance challenges. Many of these tools were developed specifically for our customers. Today, the Transcend platform now offers first-class access to new and battle-tested products, including:  

  • Unstructured Data Discovery & Classification: continuously detects and classifies all objects and properties inside a given database. 
  • Data Lineage: a real-time view of data flows and mapping the relationship between data silos.
  • Web Auditor: scan and identify compliance violations with AdTech signals—allowing you to check your web compliance in real-time.
  • Pathfinder™: AI governance layer that gives you control and auditability on all the data going in and out of LLMs.

Join the New Era of Privacy

We know there’s a wide range of privacy challenges you need to simplify, whether it’s: 

  • “I’m lacking insight into the flow of personal information across systems.” 
  • “I’m wrestling with unstructured personal data in documents, text files, or chat apps.” 
  • “I’m draining resources on manual DSR fulfillment.”
  • “I’m struggling with consistently honoring user choices across all touchpoints and backend systems.”
  • “I don’t know where to start on AI data governance.”

If you've been struggling with any of the above, you can now more easily find solutions within Transcend. We’re proud to be your full service privacy and governance platform that offers quick time to value and proven results for companies across the world. 

And if you know a privacy operations team that is ready to Transcend, share this post with them so they can see how easy, seamless, and more effective Transcend is as the privacy partner of choice for the world's best brands. 

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