Introducing Transcend Risk Intelligence

December 1, 20232 min read

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How Transcend helps customers manage privacy compliance risk

We live in a world where data regulation has become increasingly difficult.

Organizations face a patchwork of evolving compliance requirements, as well as the complex realities—more vendor DPAs and data transfers, platform-specific pixels, and regional expansion that requires additional Privacy Impact Assessments—of exponential data sprawl. 

Combined with the backdrop of increasing enforcement and consumer scrutiny, it comes as no surprise that businesses are seeking new tools and techniques for managing these novel forms of risk. 

Simply governing the personal data collected, stored, and processed across your organization is no longer enough. 

Savvy companies are looking to not only automate data workflows, but implement governance controls at the data flow level. There’s also a drive to adopt modern risk intelligence tools to gain deeper visibility into the realities of their data systems, client interfaces, and legal documents.

Transcend’s Risk Intelligence product suite is a response to these new realities, offering three separate products—Web Auditor, Assessments, and Contract Scanning—that can be combined to meet your company’s specific needs. 

Read on to learn more about what privacy compliance risk actually looks like, and how Transcend Risk Intelligence can help. 

3 key privacy compliance risks

Though privacy risk can take a variety of shapes, regulators often pursue non-compliance in it’s most obvious, easy-to-audit forms, primarily: 

  1. Unconsented data collection in the form of website tracking and data sharing
  2. DPIAs and TIAs—here, risk takes the form of human error and assessments that are out of date with the reality of your data flows
  3. Data Processing Addendums (DPA) and Terms of Service and the difficulty of finding and aggregating contractual risk requirements

Tackling these challenges takes a suite of tools that helps you identify the delta between what’s on your paper (assessments and contracts) and the reality of your organization’s data flows. They’ll also automate these processes wherever possible, provide up-to-date information in real-time, and offer in-depth reporting to better understand and improve your compliance stance. 

Exploring Transcend Risk Intelligence

The Transcend Risk Intelligence suite is made up of three different products—each of which can be used individually or in tandem to move the needle forward on privacy compliance. 

Transcend Assessments

For when your Assessments program is slow, inefficient, incomplete, or always a step behind. 

With Transcend Assessments, you can centralize DPIAs, TIAs, and PRD reviews—using pre-built templates that tie directly into your Data Inventory. Offering a centralized engine for easy and thorough assessment management, you can use features like auto suggestions or AI-powered reviews to supercharge efficiency throughout your privacy operations. 

Transcend Web Auditor

For when you’re flying blind on if your AdTech pixels are compliant with user data collection. 

Transcend’s Web Auditor scans and identifies compliance violations with AdTech signals. This means you can locate privacy regulation violations on public-facing websites, and gain immediate visibility into issues—for immediate action. You can even run scheduled scans, putting that piece of your risk evaluation on autopilot. 

Transcend Contract Scanning

If your business's valuable data processing information is trapped under hundreds of contracts. 

Transcend Contract Scanning pulls out valuable metadata from documents for faster, consolidated intelligence. This means you can easily extract contract metadata, including data categories, processing purposes, and data sub processors to get the base truth quicker. You can also run intelligence reports to improve your compliance posture and speed up your privacy operations. 

Ultimately, Transcend Risk Intelligence is about accessing visibility and continuous monitoring for your data, including how it’s being collected, where it’s stored and processed, and ensuring it’s in line with your contractual data transfer and security agreements. This insight is the foundation for effectively calculating risk, and having a solid set of privacy tools is key. 

To learn more about Transcend Risk Intelligence, reach out here.

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