Honored to be named ‘Leader’ across our privacy platform by G2 customer reviews

December 26, 20231 min read

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Thank you, customers!

Every day, we work on our mission to make it simple for companies to give their users control over their data. That’s why we’re so humbled and excited to be recognized as both the ‘Leader’ and offering ‘Best Support’ in Consent Management, Data Privacy Management, and Data Mapping, plus several other categories in G2’s Winter 2024 reports. It’s extra special to us that the awards were driven by reviews from Transcend customers. 

As the all-in-one data privacy and governance platform for companies switching off legacy manual platforms, we make it easy for our customers to solve their privacy challenges. Our customers benefit from tools that improve their compliance, save money, and provide better end-user experiences.   

Customer feedback on G2 has awarded us this winter:

  • ‘Leader’ in Data Privacy Management
  • ‘Leader’ in Data Mapping
  • ‘Leader’ in Consent Management Platform
  • ‘Best Support’ in Cookie Tracking
  • ‘Best Support’ in Data Mapping
  • ‘Easiest Admin’ in Data Subject Access Requests

We’re grateful that this builds on previous G2 Awards from previous years. 

Alongside these G2 awards, we are thrilled to share that in 2023, our customers saved over $91 million and 1.3 million hours by utilizing Transcend's comprehensive suite of privacy and data governance tools to automate manual DSR workflows.

You can read the reviews we received on Transcend’s G2 page. Thank you again to our incredible customers for taking the time to leave such valuable feedback.

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