Data Mapping Cost Calculator

Calculate the hidden costs of manual data mapping for privacy compliance.

As many privacy professionals know, creating and maintaining an accurate data map is often easier said than done, especially when using manual methods.

The cost of manual data mapping adds up quickly—impacted by the number of systems in your data ecosystem, which in turn influences how many employees you need to create, update, and maintain your map.

Calculate the cost of your current data mapping workflow with the simplified calculator below. Or scroll down to download the full PDF guide and a customizable Google Sheet template.

Cost calculator illustration

Want to explore the ROI of automated data mapping further?

Download our full PDF guide and customizable calculator template.

We’ll walk you through the cost of your organization’s data mapping workflows, explore the benefits of automated data mapping, and offer practical tips for getting the most out of the data mapping cost calculator.

Plus, get a fully-editable Google Sheet template that you can tailor to your unique context.

Data mapping cost calculator guide pdf illustration

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