AI and Your Privacy: Understanding the Concerns

By Morgan Sullivan

Senior Content Marketing Manager

February 8, 202414 min read

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At a glance

  1. AI systems, particularly those using machine learning, raise significant privacy concerns due to their extensive data collection and processing capabilities.
  2. Legal and ethical frameworks, like the EU AI Act, the OECD AI Principles, and NIST's AI Risk Management Framework, aim to govern the use and creation of AI in order to better protect data privacy, but rapid technological advancements mean they are often behind the curve.
  3. This guides explores the technical side of AI and data privacy, common AI privacy issues, the legal and regulatory landscape around AI privacy protection, practical tips for individuals, and more.

Table of contents

AI and data privacy overview

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a broad field that encompasses various technologies designed to simulate human intelligence. The cornerstone of most modern AI systems is machine learning (ML), which allows computers to learn from and make decisions based on data.

Unlike traditional programming, where a developer codes explicit rules, an ML model is trained using large datasets, enabling it to identify patterns and make predictions.

This process involves algorithms that adjust their parameters in response to the data they're exposed to, a method akin meant to mirror the human learning experience.

"Self-learning" artificial intelligence has been portrayed in popular media for decades, perhaps most famously in the cult classic Terminator 2: Judgement Day. And while we're likely nowhere close to self-aware systems turning against humans, machine learning algorithms raise serious concerns about how these platforms consume, store, and use personal data.

Data collection and processing in AI systems

Data collection is central to the functioning of artificial intelligence systems. Without large amounts of input data, these technologies are essentially useless.

Most AI systems gather vast quantities of data from diverse sources, which can include user inputs, sensor data, internet activity, and more.

Once collected, the data undergoes preprocessing to clean and structure it, making it suitable for analysis.

AI technologies then analyze this data, often in real-time, to extract insights, recognize patterns, and make decisions. The effectiveness of an AI system largely depends on the quality and quantity of the data it processes.

Key terms in AI

The language surrounding artificial intelligence can quickly get complicated. Here are some fundamental terms to understand as we continue the AI privacy conversation:

Large Language Models (LLMs)

Large Language Models are a type of artificial intelligence that processes and generates human-like text based on massive datasets of written language. They use deep learning techniques, particularly a form known as transformer models, to understand context, answer questions, compose text, and even generate creative writing.

ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, is by far the most well-known Large Language Model.

Generative AI

Generative AI refers to AI systems that can generate new content, including text, images, and videos, after learning from a dataset. This technology often uses neural networks, especially Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), to create content that is novel yet realistic.

Generative AI is used in a variety of applications, from creating art and music to designing new products and simulating real-world scenarios. Midjourney is a generative AI technology that generates images from natural language descriptions, called prompts.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

NLP is a field of AI technology that focuses on the interaction between computers and humans through natural language. The goal is for computers to read, decipher, understand, and make sense of human languages in a valuable way.

Voice assistants like Siri or Alexa use NLP to interpret and respond to user requests.

Data mining

Data mining is the process of extracting useful patterns and knowledge from large datasets. It involves methods from statistics and AI, especially machine learning.

Businesses use data mining for customer data analysis, market research, and to develop effective marketing strategies.

Predictive analytics

This involves using data, statistical algorithms, and machine learning techniques to identify the likelihood of future outcomes based on historical data.

Predictive analytics is used in various domains, including finance for credit scoring, in retail for understanding consumer behavior, and in healthcare for predicting patient outcomes.

Types of data used by AI

Personal and sensitive data

AI technology often requires personal data to function effectively. This includes identifiable information like names, addresses, and social security numbers, as well as more sensitive data like biometrics financial records, and health information.

The use of such data raises significant privacy and data security concerns, as it can reveal intimate details about individuals’ lives and potentially lead to privacy invasions if misused or inadequately protected.

Anonymized and aggregated data

To mitigate privacy concerns, an AI system can sometime use anonymized or aggregated data.

Anonymization involves stripping personally identifiable information from the data set, improving data privacy by making it difficult to trace the data back to individuals.

Aggregated data, on the other hand, combines information from multiple sources or individuals, presenting it in summarized form. While these methods can enhance data security and privacy, it's important to note that de-anonymization is sometimes possible, especially as AI technology advances.

Common AI privacy issues

With the pervasive use of AI systems like ChatGPT, data collection has become more extensive than ever. A significant challenge lies ahead in ensuring that users' consent for data collection is informed and genuine.

ChatGPT has truly democratized language models and made them accessible to even the most non-tech-savvy users. These users often do not fully understand what data is being collected and how it will be used, raising concerns about data privacy and true consent.

Misuse of data collection can be further broken down into three main issues:

  1. Data persistence
  2. Data repurposing
  3. Data spillovers

Data persistence

This refers to the ongoing storage and availability of data within a system. In the context of AI and privacy, data persistence raises concerns because data, once collected and stored, can be accessed and potentially misused long after the initial purpose of collection has passed.

Sensitive or personal data persisting indefinitely in databases or on the cloud is a significant privacy risk.

Some organizations have outright banned their employees from using ChatGPT, likely due to OpenAI's policy that any data input (even proprietary information) may be used to train the model.

Data repurposing

Data repurposing is the use of data for a purpose other than that for which it was originally collected. In the realm of artificial intelligence, where large datasets are often used to train and refine algorithms, data repurposing is inevitable.

This raises concerns about data privacy, particularly if individuals did not consent to the secondary use of the data, or if the new purpose deviates significantly from the original intent.

Data Spillovers

Data spillover refers to the unintended or incidental exposure of data beyond its intended scope or audience. This can occur in an AI system when data, collected for specific purposes, ends up being accessible in other contexts, potentially leading to data breaches.

Data spillovers are particularly concerning in interconnected systems where data from one application or sector can inadvertently become available in another, such as through an API.

2. AI bias and discrimination

AI algorithms, based on the data they are trained on, can inadvertently perpetuate existing biases, leading to discrimination.

This is particularly concerning in applications like hiring, lending, and law enforcement. Ensuring AI systems are fair and unbiased remains a significant challenge.

3. Surveillance and monitoring

The deployment of artificial intelligence in surveillance, such as facial recognition systems, raises serious privacy concerns. The ongoing monitoring and tracking capabilities of AI can lead to a loss of anonymity and freedom, sparking debates about the balance between security and privacy.

4. Transparency and control issues

There's a growing need for transparency in how AI systems, including ChatGPT, operate and use data.

Users often lack control over their personal information, and the black box nature of some AI technologies makes it difficult to understand and challenge their decisions.

5. Economic inequality and access to privacy

There's a growing divide in privacy access, where individuals with fewer resources may have less ability to protect their data. Economic inequality impacts the ability to afford privacy, making it a luxury for some, while others are more exposed to privacy risks.

6. Security risks and data breaches

The extensive use of AI technologies has heightened the risk of security breaches. Instances where AI tools like ChatGPT have led to inadvertent data leaks have prompted some organizations to restrict their use.

Robust security measures are imperative to protect sensitive data from cyber threats and unauthorized access.

The legal landscape for AI and data privacy is shaped significantly by laws like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in the United States.

The GDPR, for instance, has set a global standard for data protection, giving individuals greater control over their personal data. It requires explicit consent for data collection, offers rights like data erasure, and imposes strict guidelines on the handling of sensitive information, including medical records.

The CCPA, similarly, gives Californians the right to know what personal information is collected about them and to refuse the sale of their personal data.

These laws reflect a growing recognition of the importance of privacy in the digital age, particularly as AI tools become a staple in organizational workflows.

Despite these advancements, current legal frameworks have gaps, especially in the context of AI's rapid evolution and integration into everyday life. Many existing laws were not designed with AI's capabilities in mind, particularly around the automated processing of personal data, predictive analytics, and the potential biases inherent in AI systems.

There is also a lack of clarity on how these laws apply to emerging AI applications, creating uncertainty for organizations that rely on AI technologies, like ChatGPT, for their operations.

Additionally, the enforcement of these regulations can be challenging, especially when AI systems operate across multiple jurisdictions with varying privacy standards.

International Data Privacy Standards

The international landscape of data privacy standards presents another layer of complexity. While the GDPR has influenced global norms, many countries have their distinct privacy regulations, which creates a patchwork of standards that international organizations must navigate.

This is particularly challenging for AI technologies like ChatGPT, which are used globally and thus need to comply with diverse and sometimes conflicting legal requirements.

For instance, the requirements for processing sensitive information under GDPR may differ significantly from those in other regions. These varying standards not only complicate compliance efforts but also raise questions about the efficacy of legal protections in safeguarding privacy in the age of AI.

Ethics vs. legality in AI and privacy

While legal frameworks provide a baseline for protecting privacy in AI applications, ethical considerations often extend beyond the scope of the law.

Ethics in AI involves thinking about what should be done, not just what legally must be done. This distinction becomes crucial in areas where laws may lag behind technological advancements. For instance, the use of facial recognition technology by law enforcement agencies poses ethical dilemmas around surveillance and civil liberties, even in regions where it's legally permissible.

Ethical AI seeks to balance technological progress with fundamental human rights, including privacy, autonomy, and fairness.

Principles of ethical AI development

The development of ethical AI hinges on several key principles:


Ensuring that machine learning algorithms and their decision-making processes are understandable and explainable. This is fundamental for building trust and accountability, especially in systems that handle sensitive information.

Fairness and non-discrimination

AI systems should be designed to avoid biases and should not reinforce societal inequities. This includes rigorous testing and refinement of algorithms to ensure they do not perpetuate discrimination.

Privacy and data protection

Protecting privacy should be a cornerstone of AI development. This involves not only adhering to legal standards but also proactively seeking ways to minimize data collection and use, ensuring data security, and enabling user control over their personal information.

Responsibility and accountability

Developers and users of AI systems should be responsible for their outcomes. This includes being accountable for any adverse impacts and having mechanisms in place to address them.

Case studies: Ethical dilemmas in AI

Facial recognition in public spaces: The deployment of facial recognition systems in public spaces raises questions about mass surveillance and the erosion of privacy. It's a contentious topic, with arguments about security versus privacy rights.

AI in hiring processes: AI-driven tools are increasingly used for screening job applicants. While they can enhance efficiency, there are concerns about the algorithms inadvertently discriminating against certain groups of candidates, thereby raising ethical issues about fairness and transparency.

AI in healthcare: AI applications in healthcare, such as predictive analytics for patient treatment, pose ethical dilemmas regarding the accuracy of predictions and the handling of sensitive health data.

Balancing AI innovation and privacy

The rapid advancement of AI technologies, driven by big data and machine learning, brings significant privacy concerns.

Privacy by Design in AI

Privacy by Design is a concept where privacy measures are integrated into technology at the design stage, rather than being an afterthought. This approach involves minimizing data collection to what's strictly necessary, securing data, and giving users control over their information.

By adopting this framework, AI developers can build systems that inherently protect personal information, addressing privacy concerns proactively.

Potential solutions and emerging technologies

Several emerging technologies and methodologies offer potential solutions to privacy challenges in AI.

  1. Federated Learning: This approach allows AI systems to learn from decentralized data sources without the need to transfer the data, reducing the risk of privacy breaches.
  2. Differential Privacy: This technique adds "noise" to datasets, making it difficult to identify individuals within the data, thereby protecting personal information.
  3. Homomorphic Encryption: This form of encryption allows AI algorithms to process encrypted data, ensuring data privacy even during analysis.
  4. Blockchain for Data Privacy: Leveraging blockchain technology can enhance data security and transparency, offering a tamper-proof record of data transactions.

By incorporating these technologies, AI innovation can coexist with robust privacy protection.

Practical tips for individuals

So bringing it back down from the high-level to the day-to-day -- what can we as "citizens of the internet" do to protect both our own and our fellow users' data?

Managing digital footprints

Individuals can protect their privacy by being mindful of their digital footprints:

  1. Regularly Review Online Accounts: Check the information shared on social media and other online platforms. Remove or secure sensitive data.
  2. Be Cautious with Data Sharing: Think twice before sharing personal information, especially on platforms that use AI algorithms to analyze user data.

Understanding and utilizing privacy settings

Many consent management platforms offer privacy settings that can help users control their data:

  1. Review and Adjust Privacy Settings: Regularly check and adjust the privacy settings on social media, search engines, and other platforms that collect data.
  2. Use Privacy-Enhancing Tools: Consider tools like VPNs, encrypted messaging apps, and browser extensions that block trackers.

Awareness of rights and recourses

It's important for individuals to be aware of their rights regarding data privacy:

  1. Understand Data Protection Rights: Familiarize oneself with rights under laws like GDPR or CCPA, such as the right to access, rectify, or delete personal data.
  2. Know How to Report Concerns: Be aware of how to report privacy violations or data breaches to the relevant authorities or data protection officers.

Final thoughts

Just like any technological advancement in history, the advent of large generative AI systems like ChatGPT and others have surfaced a whole host of anxieties, opportunities, and data privacy challenges.

Legal frameworks like GDPR and CCPA provide a foundation, but there's a need to address existing gaps.

The responsibility lies with various stakeholders – governments, private sectors, civil societies, and individuals – to ensure ethical AI development and deployment. The discussion on AI's impact on jobs further illustrates the dual nature of AI as both a disruptor and creator of opportunities.

As AI becomes increasingly integrated into our daily lives (and shows no signs of slowing down), the best solution is likely the simplest: a common-sense, year-by-year analysis of how we use these tools and how they use our data.

By staying informed and proactive, we can leverage AI's potential while upholding our privacy and data rights.

About Transcend Pathfinder

With Pathfinder, Transcend is building the new frontier of AI governance software—giving your company the technical guardrails to adopt new AI technologies with confidence.

As AI becomes integral to modern business, companies face two distinct challenges: maintaining auditability and control, while managing the inherent risks. Without the right systems in place, businesses are slow to adopt AI, and risk losing their competitive edge.

Pathfinder helps address these issues, providing a scalable AI governance platform that empowers companies to accelerate AI adoption while minimizing risk.

By Morgan Sullivan

Senior Content Marketing Manager

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