RACI Framework for Effective Privacy Programs [Free Download]

By Morgan Sullivan

Senior Content Marketing Manager II

September 1, 20221 min read

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We're excited to launch our latest toolthe RACI Framework for Effective Privacy Programs.

Use this editable template to help you clarify responsibilities, save time, and better plan for future compliance efforts.

As privacy legislation grows in global coverage and technical complexity, it’s become increasingly difficult to build a privacy program that’s compliant, effective, and scalable to new regulation.

Privacy initiatives require buy-in and coordination from teams who don’t often work together—making it difficult to find clarity on who’s responsible for what. And, the work is never really done. Like Hercules facing Hydra, for each item you scratch from your to-do list, two more appear in its place.

That’s why we put together this RACI framework for privacy programs. Available as an editable PDF or fully customizable spreadsheet, this framework will help you clarify responsibilities, wrangle your to-do list, and better lead effective privacy initiatives.

At Transcend, we strive to make it simple for companies to give users control of their data. And that starts with ensuring that folks on the ground floor of corporate privacy programs understand what’s required, who’s responsible, and how to communicate cross-functionally to achieve common goals.

Download the full framework here.

What is a RACI framework?

RACI stands for responsible, accountable, consulted, and informed. As a project management tool, RACI frameworks are used to clarify expectations, increase accountability, and ensure the workload is distributed equitably.

As with any framework, you may need to make adjustments to fit your situation, but by asking the right questions upfront and using this template as a guide—you’ll have a strong foundation and shared source of truth for building, growing, and optimizing your ideal privacy program.

By Morgan Sullivan

Senior Content Marketing Manager II

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